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Equality in Sexuality

          The name and the phrase have only recently become popular; 'Jennifer Laude', 'transgender', john pemberton and even the visiting forces argument or VFA. These terms include issues related to Pemberton's disgusting killing of laude and the unjust treatment of third-party homosexuals or those subject to LGBT or Lesbians, Gay Bisexuals and Transgender.

         Based on the latest study released by Dr. Elmer G. De Jose of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines shows that three out of ten young Filipinos or 28 percent view same-sex marriage. Most of these are young men from 15-18 years old. This is confirmed by the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey where 11 per cent of 'sexually active' Filipinos are 'homosexual'.


         These data seem to indicate that discussion of different aspects of homosexuality is important in the context of 'gender sensitivity' in our society. One of the strong points the Commission of Human Rights proposes is preventing some citizens from calling Laude's case a 'hate crime'. It is here that the agency should control the 'hate and discriminatory posts' of some of the negative observers in this case.                  


          In addition to the first terms, another term that resonated with the rise of Laude's case was "SOGIE" or Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression. Compared to a fight, SOGIE has been the defender of the LGBT community in seeking justice for Laude.


          But from a broader perspective, SOGIE can be seen as a key to furthering the campaign and its issues. on 'gender sensitivity' and 'gender equality' in adolescents. 

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